woman owned | MAINE grown

emily is a water-woman through and through. born and raised in freeport, maine, on the very waters that she now grows oysters in, emily has led a life devoted to being and working on the ocean. after years spent as a professional mariner and licensed captain voyaging and doing educational work aboard schooners far and wide, emily returned to her home waters of casco bay in 2016 to fish for lobster and begin setting the anchors for emily's oysters.

Flavor profile
like all of the wonderful oysters that grow along the rocky, pristine shores of the coast of maine, emily's oyster has a unique flavor that speaks of the environment it comes from:
luxurious, soft texture and sweetness is balanced by an even, clean brininess. subtle hints of flower, stone, and lemon result from the especially vibrant habitat and active location in which emily's oysters are nurtured.

About Emily's Oysters
emily’s oysters was founded in 2018 and is a small-scale, woman-owned and run sea farm located in the freeport area of casco bay. stewardship for the health and wellbeing of the ocean is a top priority for the company, and through that mission the company has been producing some of the cleanest, tastiest, and highest quality oysters casco bay has to offer. support emily's oysters by purchasing a CSA today, and your money will not only help support a larger grassroots aquaculture effort to preserve maine's pristine ocean environment, but also to propel the tradition of maine's working waterfront into the future, one that is woman-led and environmentally conscious.

Photos: Wylde Photography


Can Aquaculture Help Women Secure a New Foothold in the Seafood Industry?
September 14th 2021
Civil Eats